
Birthdays - Gillingham Minibus

Having a birthday party in Gillingham, UK? You are the right place; we are the best transport company in the region. Gillingham Minibus Hire is here to guarantee that your birthday is a success and that everything goes as planned.

Where are you planning to celebrate your birthday? Do you want one-way transfer services, to the venue or you would like our drivers to transport you in-between locations? Regardless of how many stops you wish to make, we will make sure to give you a deserving package.

We offer transfer to many different birthday venues in Gillingham like St George Hotel, Gillingham Golf Club and King Charles Hotel. We also offer transportation to kids birthdays' venues like Chatham Ski and Snowboard Centre, Chequered Flag and Fun Drum.

Even if the birthday party is being held at home, we will take care of bringing everyone there on time.

Gillingham Minibus Hire offers a wide range of sleek and luxurious vehicles that you can choose from. We have a team of friendly but capable and reliable drivers, that will do all they can to transfer everyone safely, timely and comfortably. Our customer service is on 24/7, ready to help you.

Contact Details

Unit 6 Matilda Close, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, ME8 0PY

01634 505012

Mon to Sun :24 hours